Lemon Butter Chicken & Spiced Pinto Beans

Tonight I was going to make a really good looking dish that I found on Pinterest that was Blackened chicken and Cilantro Lime Quinoa…now I’ve never had quinoa so I decided I wanted to try and after researching recipes I really wanted to try this because the yogurt sauce on top looked really good. I go to the store get all my ingredients in the “ingredient list” and come home to make it. Then after going through the recipe before I start at the very end the yogurt sauce indicated it had avocado but the avocado wasn’t in the ingredient list AGHKKKK lesson learned I should read the entire recipe BEFORE I plan on making the dish even before going to the store but really?! come on! If you’re going to blog (got this from another blogger) about a recipe and give the steps at least proof read before you post something…I’m not talking about typos or grammar but a key ingredient in a recipe!! Off the soap box now to my “dinner save”.

I had these chicken breasts thawed and the only thing that I had completely thawed so I needed to make something with them after thinking about it I decided I’d pan fry them and then put some lemon/butter sauce over the top of them. This recipe is really easy and I actually made it up on my own! Your mouth and tummy will be really happy at this easy and inexpensive dish! 

The next part of my “thrown together” meal was a recipe I found online for spiced pinto beans. I’m not exactly sure why I had pinto beans in the cabinet since we don’t usually eat canned foods since I try to stay fresh or frozen but whatever I had them so I googled recipes to use them as a side dish…this again is a really easy inexpensive dish that will leave your tummy happy and taste buds excited! I altered a little by not “mashing” the beans I just left them as they were. I forgot the cilantro until the last minute so I just garnished it with it once I got it on the plate. The cumin really makes this dish so if you’re not a fan of cumin I don’t suggest “trying this at home”. 

One thing I want to mention in this post is the use of chicken broth…before I always bought canned or boxed broth but one day I decided that I’d try the cubes and I was immediately hooked to using that over canned because first it’s cheaper, second I have it on hand at all times instead of running out like I tended to do with canned/boxed broth and three I can control the flavoring of the broth (strong or subtle) I’ve graduated to granules over the cubes because it’s even cheaper than the cubes AND I can get a HUGE bottle of it at Costco and I’ll never run out LOL If you currently use canned I suggest you try the granules/cubes. Yes it seems like “extra work” but seriously to save a few bucks and to not run out of it boiling some water and dropping a cube/tablespoon of it in the water is not that hard so don’t be lazy!!!

’til next time,


Lemon Butter Chicken:


Canola Oil

2 chicken breast pounded out if thick


1.5 teaspoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon butter

1/4 chicken broth




1. Lightly flour chicken and season with salt and pepper to your taste

2. Heat about a tablespoon of canola oil (you can use vegetable but canola is what I had on hand) in pan on medium-high heat

3. place chicken in pan and cook for about 7 minutes on each side

4. Remove chicken from pan when each side has a dark brown crust

5. Put lemon juice, broth & butter in pan until butter is melted

6. place chicken back in pan and coat both sides with lemon butter mixture


Spiced Pinto Beans:

1/2 small onion, chopped (I altered the amount here from original because even though I had a tiny onion it was just too much to use the whole one and I like onion!)
1 small clove garlic, minced
1/2 jalapeno, minced
1/2 teaspoon chili powder (I didn’t even realize this was in the recipe until I was proof reading it just now LOL If you don’t have it or don’t like it I don’t think you’ll care that it’s omitted)
2 teaspoons canola oil
1 cup canned pinto beans, rinsed
2 tablespoons broth, or water
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
1. Saute onion, garlic, jalapeno and chili powder in oil in a small saucepan until softened. Add beans, broth (or
water), cumin and salt. Coarsely mash half of the beans in the pot and simmer until heated through. Stir in
Per serving : 167 Calories; 6 g Fat; 1 g Sat; 3 g Mono; 0 mg Cholesterol; 23 g Carbohydrates; 7 g Protein; 7 g Fiber; 414
mg Sodium; 371 mg Potassium

Read More: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/spiced_pinto_beans.html

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